Shih Tzu Isn’t Drinking Water?: 5 Causes and Action Steps

Your Shih Tzu isn’t drinking water? Explore the primary 5 explanations and take proactive measures to guarantee your adorable Shih Tzu remains both hydrated and in the pink of health. Gain insights into the potential causes behind your Shih Tzu’s reluctance to drink water and uncover effective interventions you can employ. Understanding the reasons for their water aversion is crucial, along with familiarizing yourself with actionable strategies aimed at extending assistance.

Shih Tzu Isn't Drinking Water?

Shih Tzu Isn’t Drinking Water?

* Common Causes Why Your Shih Tzu Not Drinking Water

Is your lovable Shih Tzu displaying a reluctance to quench their thirst? Numerous factors could be contributing to this behavior shift.

Health Factors:

One primary cause behind why Shih Tzu’s isn’t drinking water could be an underlying health issue. Dental discomfort, urinary tract infections, kidney problems, or even a fever might hinder their desire to drink. Also additional symptoms such as lethargy, vomiting, or changes in behavior. If these arise, it’s imperative to promptly seek advice from your veterinarian for a comprehensive assessment.

Environmental Changes:

This might be another reason why your Shih Tzu isn’t drinking water. Dogs thrive on routine, and sudden alterations in their surroundings can trigger stress or anxiety, subsequently affecting their water consumption. Whether it’s a move to a new home, the introduction of other pets, or modifications in their daily regimen, these shifts can influence your Shih Tzu’s behavior towards their water bowl.

Food Preferences:

The type of sustenance your Shih Tzu ingests can impact their water intake. A recent dietary change might be supplying more moisture through their food, resulting in reduced water consumption. This trend is particularly evident when wet or canned food is introduced into their diet.

Weather Sensitivity:

Just like humans, dogs react to weather variations. In colder periods, your Shih Tzu might not experience the same level of thirst as during warmer seasons. It’s vital to ensure that their water is maintained at a comfortable temperature and remains easily accessible to encourage regular hydration.

Bowl or Water Source Issues:

Occasionally, the issue isn’t the water itself but the vessel from which your Shih Tzu drinks. If the bowl is excessively deep, your pet could encounter difficulty reaching the water comfortably. Furthermore, if the water isn’t consistently fresh and clean, your Shih Tzu might develop a disinclination to drink from it and that is why your Shih Tzu isn’t drinking water.

* Effective Strategies for Promoting Hydration in Shih Tzu

Encouraging your Shih Tzu to stay well-hydrated requires proactive measures. By implementing these actionable steps, you can ensure your furry friend’s optimal health and vitality.

Regular Veterinary Checkups:

If you suspect an underlying health concern is contributing to your Shih Tzu’s reduced water intake, it’s advisable to schedule a visit to the veterinarian. Consistent checkups are essential for early detection of any health issues and to receive appropriate treatment, if necessary. Your vet can provide valuable insights into your pet’s well-being and recommend tailored solutions.

Maintain a Stable Routine:

Dogs thrive on routine, and your Shih Tzu is no exception. Establishing a consistent daily schedule that encompasses feeding and water times can significantly reduce their stress and anxiety stemming from environmental changes. Predictable routines provide a sense of security, enabling your pet to feel more comfortable and at ease.

Opt for a Hydration-Friendly Diet:

If your Shih Tzu’s diet includes foods with high moisture content, like wet food, consider adjusting their meals to ensure they’re not solely relying on food for hydration. Consult your veterinarian to determine the best dietary options that promote hydration while maintaining nutritional balance. They can guide you toward optimal choices that cater to your pet’s individual needs.

Temperature and Placement:

Strategically position your pet’s water bowl in a convenient and comfortable location within your home. In warmer months, consider placing ice cubes in their water to keep it refreshingly cool and enticing. This can encourage them to drink more, especially when the temperatures rise.

Select the Right Water Bowl:

The choice of water bowl matters. Opt for shallow, wide bowls that facilitate easy drinking for your Shih Tzu. Avoid deep bowls that could potentially discourage them from accessing water comfortably. Regularly clean the bowl to maintain hygiene and freshness. Offering fresh water at least twice daily ensures a continuous supply, promoting their willingness to drink.


In summary, maintaining your Shih Tzu’s water consumption is vital for their overall well-being. Swiftly addressing any alterations in their drinking patterns is key. By comprehending potential triggers and initiating proactive measures, you secure your pet’s contentment and hydration. Keep in mind that if issues persist or are coupled with worrisome symptoms, seeking guidance from a veterinarian is paramount. Your furry companion’s Shih Tzu’s health is a priority, and taking appropriate action ensures their continued happiness and vitality.

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How long can a Shih Tzu go without drinking water?

A Shih Tzu can typically go without drinking water for about 3 to 5 hours. However, it's important to ensure they have access to fresh water regularly to keep them hydrated and healthy.

What to do if Shih Tzu is not drinking water?

To encourage your Shih Tzu to drink water, place clean, fresh water bowls in accessible areas. Try adding ice cubes or a small amount of low-sodium broth to make it more appealing. Regularly check water and offer praise when they drink.

Why is my Shih Tzu peeing but not drinking water?

If your Shih Tzu is urinating but not drinking water, it might indicate potential health issues like urinary tract problems or dehydration. Consult your vet to identify the underlying cause and receive proper guidance and treatment.

How do I know if my Shih Tzu is thirsty?

To know if your Shih Tzu is thirsty, observe signs like increased licking of lips, panting, restlessness, and searching for water. Offering clean, fresh water and monitoring her behavior helps ensure her hydration.

Why my Shih Tzu is not feeling thirsty?

A lack of thirst in your Shih Tzu might result from various factors such as mild weather, recent activity, or minor illness. Monitoring her behavior and offering water at regular intervals can help ensure her hydration.

Are there any safe additions for my Shih Tzu's drinking water?

Safe additions for your Shih Tzu's drinking water can include ice cubes, a small amount of low-sodium broth, or water flavor enhancers specifically designed for pets. Always consult your vet before making changes.

Can I feed my Shih Tzu milk diluted with water?

Feeding your Shih Tzu diluted milk might not be the best choice. Many dogs are lactose intolerant, leading to digestive issues. Consult your vet for suitable alternatives for her diet.

How frequently should a Shih Tzu drink water?

A general guideline is to offer your Shih Tzu water every 2 to 4 hours. Adjust the frequency based on their activity level, weather conditions etc. Offer water bowls in easily reachable locations and check and refill them throughout the day to ensure regular hydration.

What's the appropriate daily water quantity for a Shih Tzu?

The appropriate daily water quantity for a Shih Tzu can vary, but generally, they need about ½ to 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight. Adjust based on their activity and weather conditions.

How can I increase my Shih Tzu's thirst?

To increase your Shih Tzu's thirst, offer clean, fresh water at regular intervals. You can also add ice cubes, a small amount of low-sodium broth, or water flavor enhancers designed for pets to entice her to drink more.

What could be the reason my Shih Tzu eats but doesn't drink water?

If your Shih Tzu eats but doesn't drink water, potential reasons include the moisture content in their food, behavioral preferences, or underlying health issues. Consulting a vet helps identify and address the cause.

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